"When you're in covenant with Christ,
it's His responsibility to cover your cracks,
to be all your competency and completeness.
Inabilities, in Christ, are made all-sufficient, just-right abilities.
Abandon worries -- and wholly abide."
|| Ann Voskamp
I can't get enough of her and her writings.
Every time I read something she's written I'm convicted
and encouraged all at the same time.
If you haven't ever checked out her blog
definitely take the time to do it.
It's the most encouraging blog I read!
Halfway through the straightening my hair process this afternoon,
this is what my hair looked like. I dunno, I think a little bun on the top
of my head is a creative new idea :)
Callahan rode the "bronco bull" (that barely moved) at La Hacienda tonight.
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