Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The day after I come back from any trip
no matter how far away I traveled, or how long I was gone
is what I call a transition day.

I'm not one of those people that can just bounce back
into regular life immediately.
I need some extra catch-up sleep.
I need to spend some quality time in my most
comfortable sweats.
I need time to unpack, restore order to my room/closet/life.
I need to hug my family, hear stories from what
happened while I was gone, catch up with friends
via txting and phone calls, and drink copious
amounts of sweet tea.

And THEN I feel a little bit more ready
for the mound of catch-up work that is sure to be
waiting for me after any trip.

So today was my transition day.
It was lovely :)

Our dog, who apparently thinks she's a cat ;)


  1. Love that picture of your dog! Too funny! :)

  2. aw. I hear you on the "need for catch-up" time instead of jumping right back into life.

    *sigh* alas, I just got home yesterday and was forced to jump right back in. My body is resisting...hope it'll get better soon. ;)

    ps: I love your blog. and I love you. and I want to meet you. ;)
