Meeerrrrry Christmas!
My favorite part of every Christmas is the few hours
we have as just our family on Christmas morning.
Even though we're a (kind of) big family
everyone's always bought presents for everyone,
even the little ones.
Those are my absolute favorite presents.
They're always funny and sweet, alot of times
they were less than $5, but a lot of thought
and special wrapping went into the process,
and it makes it so much fun.
After family stockings and presents this morning
we got ready and went to Church
where Rachel and I sang a duet.
I love singing with her!
We had our usual HUGE Christmas lunch at Mimi's.
Stuffed ourselves, and then hung out and
watched football for the rest of the afternoon.
This evening we came back to the house
and Grandmommy and Pa came over.
Grandmommy brought boatloads of delicious food
we had a fire, and opened presents.
Todays self portrait is of my darling boots
and leg warmers that I'm kind of in love with.
The aftermath of Christmas with 11 people :)
Wowsers! Looks like fun, Merry Christmas! :)