Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today was an eventful day--
I had jury duty for the first time this morning
and I was very hopeful that it would
turn out to be something interesting,
but instead, after sitting in a room
with about 50 other adults
They said our case had been dismissed
and we could all go home.

Mom and Dad were in Houston all day
(and will be there until tomorrow)
so tonight I took the kidlets on a little wilderness adventure
through a little trail that I had noticed leading into the woods
behind our house a few days ago.
It was amaaazingly cool :)
I felt like a little kid, climbing down rocks
and over huge fallen trees in the fading sunlight
and ending up in this gully that led us to
a beautiful secluded little field that
was just bursting with fall color.
I know that Texas doesn't usually do the
colorful fall thing up very big,
but this was seriously gorgeous :)

We ended the night with pizza
and watching Captain America.
(trying to rack up the cool big sister points:)

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