Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today was a good day.

I don't mean good, the way you say
in reply to the polite question of,
"how was your day?"

No, it was really good.
not because anything amazing or exciting happened
but I had piano lessons this morning
got alot of work done this afternoon
(I'm getting really excited about the next 4 weeks--
so many awesome portrait sessions and weddings coming up!)
Went to the bank--
that may seem like an inconsequential thing to do
but I looove going to my bank.
Everyone there knows my name, knows my family,
knows about my boy (and asks how he's doing:)
and are just generally really happy and nice.
Mmmhhmm, I love my bank.
I had choir practice tonight,
(one of my favorite parts of choir practice is sitting next to
Barbara, the lovely lady who was a missionary
to Mexico for over 35 years with her husband.
She's so sweet and happy all the time, I love talking to her.)
and then when I got home I got to talk to my brother
(who is far away at college)
AND my boy.

Oh, and on the way home from Choir/AWANAS 
I overheard this conversation--
Lawson: "you know how old people have to have lots
of surgeries?  That's what I'm really dreading..."
Emma: "yeah, I know."

See--good day :)

my favorite bag to stuff everything
into when I'm running errands.

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