Monday, March 7, 2011


Conversation in the car this afternoon:
Mom: I need to lose some weight
Sam: Well you have to keep your heart rate up
Mom: What was that for?!
Luke: I was trying to scare you, so your heart rate would go up.

It's just a laugh a minute around here ;)

Story #2:
As I walked into Kroger tonight
I passed a mom and her daughter
selling girl scout cookies. And as I walked up
to the door I could hear them cheering loudly:
Daughter: "We've got cookies, yes we DO! We've got cookies, how 'bout YOU!!!"
Mom: "We've got cookies, yes we DO! We've got cookies, how 'bout YOU!!!"

I smiled and walked inside.

Ten minutes later when I walked out...
they were still going strong.

(All I could figure was that maybe they hadn't met their cookie
selling quota for the day and were getting desperate??)

In other news, Luke Daniel Garner,
my dashingly handsome brother, turned 16 today.

Good gracious.
I just turned 16, didn't I?!
How'd he catch up so quickly?!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Story #1 made me smile, laugh, and MISS YOUR FAMILY! Happy Birthday to Luke! :D
